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Tasks of the PCR committee

Quality assurance, international harmonisation, decision-making on technical issues

Life cycle assessments for buildings should be comparable. However, this can only be guaranteed if the incoming data for the building materials and systems or services connected with the building are calculated according to identical methods and calculation rules. EPDs of similar building materials must be comparable – the specifications for calculation should be harmonised internationally.

Since 2012,  EN 15804 (ÖNORM EN 15804 Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for the product category of construction products) has raised harmonisation to standard. Supplementary to ISO 14025 (ÖNORM EN ISO 14025 Environmental labels and declarations. Type III environmental declarations. Principles and procedures), EPDs for building materials can now be calculated in great detail. EN 15804 is considered the overarching document for all building materials and therefore does not address all product categories in detail, sometimes there is still room for interpretation. The different interpretations of these discretionary powers can in some cases mean that benchmark values are not reached.

For this reason, additional product category rules (PCRs) for individual product groups are drawn up at the level of the CEN-TC working groups in the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) as well as in Austria. In principle, the CEN PCRs are recognised as superior by Bau EPD GmbH. Basically, new PCR documents are drawn up by groups of technical experts on the basis of calculated life cycle assessments. A lot of pioneering work is still being done here.

The members of the PCR committee act on a voluntary basis as independent third parties and have jointly laid down generally applicable programme rules for Bau EPD GmbH (see PCRs).

The head of the PCR committee convenes the product group forums. The members of the product group forums can be representatives of the PCR committee as well as representatives from industry and business and other interested parties.

As soon as EPDs based on existing PCR documents are available, they must be checked for completeness, plausibility and compliance with all data quality requirements as part of a verification process. The PCR committee draws up the necessary guidelines, process flows and protocols for this purpose, and here the specifications of the EcoPlatform, the international umbrella organisation for EPD programme operations, are strictly observed in order to ensure harmonisation in the European area.

The independent verifiers listed at Bau EPD GmbH as the programme operator are provided by members and institutions of the PCR committee and have a specific qualification profile.

Chair PCR Advisory Board


Members of the PCR committee
Active members (PCR creation and verification, arbitration board)

DI Philipp Boogman

Leitung Abteilung Materialökologie
Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH


DI Therese Daxner

Daxner&Merl GmbH


DI Dr. Franz Dolezal

Materialökologie, Bauphysik
Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH


Mag. Hildegund Figl

Geschäftsführung Baubook GmbH, LCA-Expertin
Baubook GmbH


Dr. Paola Gamarra de Aixberger

Principal Consultant in Sustainability
Sphera Solutions


DI Andrea Görth

Mitplan GmbH


DI Dr. sc. ETHZ Florian Gschösser

assoz. Prof., Lektor
Universität Innsbruck


DI Andreas Karitnig

Geschäftsführung, Ökobilanzierung, Bauphysik
GENIO Bauphysik GmbH


Dr. Michael Kostjak

Ökobilanzierung, Sachverständiger für Bauprodukte
Ziviltechniker Kostjak Unternehmensberatung


DI Barbara Lepuschitz

RMA Ressourcenschutz Management Agentur


Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn. Peter Maydl

Technische Universität Graz

DI Dr. Adolf Merl

Daxner & Merl GmbH


DI Richard Obernosterer

Geschäftsführer, Ökobilanzierung
RMA Ressourcenschutz Management Agentur


DI Dr. Alexander Passer

assoz. Prof., Lektor
Technische Universität Graz


DI DI Dr. Marco Scherz

Geschäftsführer, Ökobilanzierung


DI (FH) Angela Schindler

Geschäftsleitung, Consulting


DI Hanna Schreiber

Expert LCA & Carbon Management
Umweltbundesamt Österreich


DI Roman Smutny

Universitätsassistent, Lektor
Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien


Dr Victor Vladimirov

Umwelt- und Projektmanagement


DI Dr. Wolfgang Wimmer

Senior Expert LCA/Ecodesign
Ecodesign Company


Dr. Andreas Windsperger

Experte Ökobilanzierung und Umwelttechnologie
INDÖK – Institut für Industrielle Ökologie


Dr. Konrad Witczak

Senior Consultant


MBA and Eng., Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Patrick Wortner

Geschäftsführer, Senior Consultant Ökobilanzierung
PPP PeoplePlanetProfit GmbH

LCA-ExpertVerifier Vivien Zwick

Senior Consultant Ökobilanzierung
PPP PeoplePlanetProfit GmbH


Application LCA experts for PCR panel

application-form-LCA-practitioners PCR panel